2024 - Another beautiful finish from Wanda! I love the lettering on this.

I created some custom charts for Simon Danks (added the same celtic border to both designs) and he has stitched the Chess and Backgammon. I particularly like the colour scheme he has used for the Backgammon.
On the backgammon board he stitched in the word "home" and a number of crosses below each point so that the players can remember how to set up the board at the start of the game and which direction to play in!
He made them up with fabric backing, along with a simple bag for keeping all of the pieces in and then another bag to carry everything as a travel games set for his daughter and son in law. What a brilliant Christmas gift!

Wanda has had a really busy stitching year in 2023 - here is her lovely stitch of the owl. Can't wait to see what she does in 2024!

Two finishes from Wanda Lenz, the unicorn in different colours for her grand-nieces. What a great idea for a gift.

A start on the Dragon Chessboard from Luz divina Martin in Spain.
What a great start!

This Sparkling Unicorn was stitched by Angela Rabbetts for her Granddaughter's 4th birthday - it looks fabulous and I know her granddaughter is going to love it.

Another beautiful finish by Wanda Lenz. Can't wait to see what she does next!

The Angel at Christmas stitched by Karen Ross.
This is the first time I have seen this design stitched and it looks beautiful!

This version of the Highland Cow was stitched by Wanda Lenz, I love the colour combination she has chosen to stitch it in. I do love what customers add to the original, I like to think the the design is just a starting point.

Annie Coles stitched this version of Elements in Blackwork - Fire. She saw sunflowers in the design and stitched it for a friend who loves them.

The Elephant & Calf in subtle shades of blue and grey is so pretty. This version of the design was stitched by Sharon Silk.

Another finish for Sharon Silk, this is our smaller Brown Owl.

I designed this cross stitch kit for Pete Wilkes to stitch in early 2020 and look at how beautiful it looks now it has been stitched! This was a large piece, measuring approx 28 x 30 inches. I think it looks fantastic!

Liz Hall-Turner made this fab version of the Dragons & Beanstalks quilted board after seeing it at the Stitch Festival 2022.

This design was created for Therese Fenn to stitch for her Grandmothers fire screen. It is a mix of the Dragon Backgammon with the chessboard centre. How beautiful is this!

This fantastic quilt from Sue Surfleet has one of the DoodleCraft quilt panels as it's centre. The illusion of squares works really well.

Carllie Fox from Toronto stitched this beautiful version of Elements in Blackwork - Earth.

Stacey Claus has taken the Claddagh design and personalised it for a friend who is retiring from nursing. I love seeing our designs tweaked for special reasons!

This beautiful stitched Multi Dragon Chessboard has been sent in by Amber Mackmurdie.

I loved working on designing this for Kay and it looks stunning now it is stitched and framed.

Elements in Blackwork - Fire, stitched on 14 count with purple variegated thread by my sister, Sarah.

Here is the completed Botanic Chessboard stitched by Caz Lawrence, Caz has added her own twist with beads and different colours. I love seeing these finished pieces and the small changes have made it personal and unique.

Botanic Chessboard stitched by Caz Lawrence and customised with her beads.

This version of Dragons & Beanstalks was stitched by Caz Lawrence, don't they look great in her choice of colours! I can't wait to see what she does next!

Susan Hollings stitched the 'Le Chat Noir' kit for her daughter, Rosie, because it looks so much like Rosie's own cat (known as the cat from hell as he's so grumpy!)

Here is a version of the Blackwork Clock stitched by Lynn Hendry in red and framed in white.

This version of Snakes & Ladders has been stitched by Jo Carter, Jo has chosen her own colour scheme which looks great!

Another finished project from Hilary Carey, this is our daisy design.

Here Hilary Carey has stitched our Bee design onto a denim skirt.

Hilary Carey uses some of our smaller designs for embellishing clothing, here is our Ladybird stitched onto the pocket of a dress.

Here is a beautifully stitched blue Dragon Chessboard by Judy Hart.

This beautiful Snakes & Ladders was stitched by Pam Harris, she says it's quite an achievement for an 86 year old! I say it's fantastic Pam!

This beautiful Hneftafl Board was stitched by Alisa Duncan who had some wooden playing pieces made to finish off the kit.

I worked on this commission of Molly for Fiona Barlow. I took a couple of photos that Fiona provided and merged them into the chart she was looking for. This is the final stitched version and I think you'll agree its stunning!

I created three designs of Jack Russells for Marilyn Hicks who wanted to stitch them as a gift for a friend, Marilyn is the fastest stitcher I know and had them finished in no time!