We offer 3 types of kits; a Full Kit, a Chart only Kit and a downloadable PDF kit.

Full Kit

Our full kits include:

1)  The outer cover showing an image of the finished design, the size of the completed stitching, the count of aida fabric used, the number of thread colours used, the type of stitching the design is worked in and the stitch count. On the reverse side it provides useful information including how to split a thread, starting to stitch, reading a chart, finishing a thread and washing your finished piece.

2)  A key showing the colours used in the design with their relevant manufacturer reference numbers and the number of threads needed to stitch the design. Also, additional stitching information for example the number of strands to use etc. For our gamesboards kits there are some examples of what to do to display the finished board.

3)  For blackwork kits there will be set of charts showing you where each colour is used.

4)  For cross stitch kits there is a black and white chart printed onto A3 size paper.

5)  For blackwork kits there is a black and white chart for purely traditional black stitching and for coloured blackwork there is a black and white and a colour chart all printed onto A3 size paper.

6)  A piece of the relevant count aida fabric the size of the design with an additional 2.5 inches around all sides.

7)  A pre-sorted card with the threads required, if additional full skeins are required these will be included separately in the kit.

8)  A needle the relevant size for the count of the design.

9)  Any extras, for example beads, that are specified as being included with the kit.

10) A stitching leaflet showing how to work both full and fractional cross stitch and blackwork stitches.

Chart Only Kit

Our Chart Only kits include:

1)  The outer cover showing an image of the finished design, the size of the completed stitching, the count of aida fabric used, the number of thread colours used, the type of stitching the design is worked in and the stitch count. On the reverse side it provides useful information including how to split a thread, starting to stitch, reading a chart, finishing a thread and washing your finished piece.

2)  A key showing the colours used in the design with their relevant manufacturer reference numbers and the number of threads needed to stitch the design. Also, additional stitching information for example the number of strands to use etc. For our gamesboards kits there are some examples of what to do to display the finished board.

3)  For blackwork kits there will be set of charts showing you where each colour is used.

4)  For cross stitch kits there is a black and white chart printed onto A3 size paper.

5)  For blackwork kits there is a black and white chart for purely traditional black stitching and for coloured blackwork there is a black and white and a colour chart all printed onto A3 size paper.

6)  A stitching leaflet showing how to work both full and fractional cross stitch and blackwork stitches.

Downloadable PDF Kit

Our downloadable kits include:

1)  The outer cover showing an image of the finished design, the size of the completed stitching, the count of aida fabric used, the number of thread colours used, the type of stitching the design is worked in and the stitch count.

2)  A list of the things included with the kit.

3)  Useful information including how to split a thread, starting to stitch, reading a chart, finishing a thread and washing your finished piece.

4)  Stitching instructions showing how to work both full and fractional cross stitch and blackwork stitches.

5)  A key showing the colours used in the design with their relevant manufacturer reference numbers and the number of threads needed to stitch the design. Also, additional stitching information for example the number of strands to use etc.

6)  For blackwork kits there will be set of charts showing you where each colour is used.

8)  For cross stitch kits there is a black and white chart printed onto A3 size paper.

9)  For blackwork kits there is a black and white chart for purely traditional black stitching and for coloured blackwork there is a black and white and a colour chart all printed onto A3 size paper.

10) A single page chart which can be used on a tablet.